Welcome to ‘The Dirt!’: SCI’s Farmer Newsletter

By Taylor Herren, Farm Program Specialist

Excerpt from ‘The Dirt’: SCI’s Monthly Farmer Newsletter

I’m excited to share this inaugural edition of The Dirt!

As an SCI Founding Farmer, we want to keep you up to date on program happenings and in the loop about opportunities and resources. This monthly email will feature program updates, upcoming events and webinars, funding opportunities, and a feature story written by SCI’s very own Julie Davenson.   

Julie just joined our team as our Farm Finance specialist – if you have any regen projects that need funding, Julie is available to help you identify and apply for grants and other sources of finance.
Knowing we live in a world of information overload; our goal is to make these succinct and easy to read while also being useful and interesting. As always, open invitation for feedback and ideas!  

We're almost done verifying the farms that supply ingredients to SCI's first labeled product, which is on track to hit shelves nationwide in early spring. For other Founding Farms ready to go through verification, we will be in touch soon.

Regenerative Farmer Rick Clark with SCI Farm Program Manager Taylor Herren

As always, our top priority is providing resources in support of your soil health journey and building this network of pioneering farmers. Cheers to good things coming in the new year and continuing this work of regeneration together.

Reminder to all SCI farmers: Our monthly Farm Office Hours will take place every last Thursday of the month at 4pm ET.

Farmer Resources

Program Updates

Farm Verification Process

  1. SCI forms are completed (Farm Enrollment Form, Field Enrollment Forms, Farm Plan)  

  2. Soil Testing is completed and results are submitted  

  3. Evidence of Implementation is submitted (showing the ways you’re building soil health)  

  4. All materials are sent to 3rd-Party Verifier

Verification earns the right to use the "Soil & Climate Health Initiative Verified” Label and make third-party verified claims about regenerative transition and management. Farmers will be provided a Certificate of Verification, which will be tied to the Enrolled Acres/Fields and will be the link to traceability for companies going through the SCI verification process. Verification allows for market differentiation for products grown on SCI Verified Fields.

Upcoming Events

Regen Nexus Conferences | You're Invited!
SCI is excited to announce these invitation-only events are open to Enrolled Farmers! Invited attendees will be producers who have a sincere desire to move toward a regenerative farming system.

SCI is sponsoring the following Green Cover events in 2024!

  • Scottsdale, AZ | Jan 3-5, 2024 (Join SCI Verification Director, Kristen Efurd)

  • Omaha, NE | Jan 30-31 & Feb 1, 2024

Featured Farmer

Sowing the Seeds to Success: SCI Links Farms to Vital Transition Funding

Many funding sources for regenerative transition are either too small or too restrictive to meet farmers’ needs. In this month's Featured Farmer article, we tell the story of how SCI connected farmer Levi Kokes to a $20,000 grant from Zero Foodprint to implement holistic planned grazing.  

Additional Resources

WEBINAR | February 9 at 11am EST
Topic: USDA Investments in Conservation and Climate-Resilience in New England

Our own Julie Davenson is moderating this webinar, which will explore the trajectory and impact of USDA investments in Conservation and Climate-Smart programs on climate resilience and farm viability in New England.

Magazine | Acres USA
Don’t miss out on a free subscription to the leading regenerative agriculture magazine providing technical assistance, market trends and more. Reach out to us to learn more!


Enrolled Acres Continue to Grow!


Sowing the Seeds of Success